Our mission - The NINETY-NINES® INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS® promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight.
Congratulations to this years Ruehle Award recipients:
Shalynn Swails, Kate Yorga, and Mary Kay Zhang


Our Roots
The Colorado Chapter was chartered on September 28, 1941. Our Chapter currently has close to 150 members and is the 2nd largest chapter in the organization.
Click here to join.
The Focus of Our Efforts

The Colorado Chapter's activities include:
Let's Fly Now! events
Provide Scholarships for female student pilots
Annual Poker Run
Aviation talks to groups
Aerospace education workshops
Pilot safety programs
Airmarking - our most recent event was June 10 at Northern Colorado Regional Airport (KFNL)
Serve on local and federal aeronautics commissions
Provide resource materials on women in aviation and aerospace
Our monthly meetings are usually held on the second Saturday of each month. Check the newsletter for actual meeting information and locations on specific meetings. The Ninety-Nines members work together as a group to provide support to other female pilots through each individual member's enthusiasm, interest and imagination. This support is carried through to the female student pilots who are just beginning to work toward their ultimate goals.
Volunteering is fun!
We do many activities throughout the year that require volunteers. Some of these are: Girl Scout Aviation days, Let's Fly Now!, Airmarking, Fly Outs, and Field Trips. If you would like to volunteer for any of these activities email us at info@colorado99s.org. Go to our list of events to to see upcoming activities.
The Future Looks Bright
The March 2025 edition of Crosswind Chatter is here.
Our Blonde Bombers prepare for the Air Race Classic Denver7 News Video
The Ninety-Nines: A Review of 2023 video
How to takeoff and land a Cessna 182 video.